Friday, May 11, 2012

Day of Europe 2012

On May 9th all the school gathered to celebrate once more the Day of Europe. May 9th has become the European symbol which, together with the flag, the anthem, the slogan and the unique currency (euro), identifies the political entity of the European Union. On the Day of Europe festivities and activities are celebrated to get Europe near its citizens.

To begin, some students of 2nd ESO performed an acrosport show, they had prepared in the PE lesson.


Three students read a summary of the Schuman declaration in three official languages and we listened to the European anthem. 

We are participating in a Comenius Scholar Partnership with the project “Touring Europe – Intercultural and Plurilinguistic Experiences”; we have done a lot of activities and meetings with the school partners, teachers, students and families from the different countries. In June some of the teachers will come to Logroño to work on the project; we will write a final report for the National Agency.

During the celebration, some of the boys and girls who have travelled received a certificate of participation in the mobilities (France, Italy, Germany and Slovakia).
And in the end, we introduced our new European project e- Twinning, we work with Poland and Italy in the presentation and divulgation of Wojtek.

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