Saturday, October 26, 2013

My personal profile-1ºESO

Os presentamos a los alumnos que han llegado a 1º-ESO. 
Ellos mismos se presentan..



  1. Hello my name is Adelina Mehmedova Abazova and my incorrect sentens is :
    Ihave 2 sisters Ailin and Alis .Ailin is 7 years old and Alis is a baby .This names are Bulgarian.
    My birthday is on the 21first May.

  2. Hi!
    My birthday is on the 8 of February, I'm 12.
    Federica is 16, Martina is 4 and Ariel nearly 1 years.

  3. Hello my name is Alejandro and my incorrect sentences is :
    My birthday is on the 18 of the July . I will study vet and I'm going to travel around Africa

  4. Hi!my incorrect sentences are:
    I'm 11 years old but my birthday is in one month and I'm 12 years old.
    My birthday is on 7th of November.
    My favourite relative is my nephew

  5. hi!, these are my sentences corrected :
    . he likes playing football
    . she is 10 and she is very funny
    . she loves going to the beach


  6. Hello my name is David and my incorrect sentences is:
    Me same age as me.

  7. Hola, mis oraciones incorrectas son:
    Mi cumpleaños es el 4 de julio y tengo 12 años.
    Ella muy simpática y le gusta dibujar.

  8. Hello my name is Álvaro
    Hi¡my incorrect sentences are:
    Because he is very funny.
    I haveone sister her name is Paola,her birdthay is on the 21 of February.

  9. Hi my incorrect sentences are:
    My birthaday is on 26th April.
    We´re from zamora but in this picture we are in zamora.
    My brother and my gandmother always are happy.

  10. Hi my incorrect sentences are:
    My birthday is on 26th April .
    We´re from zamora but in this picture we are in zamora.
    My brother and my grandmother always are happy.

  11. hello me name is miguel of 1A
    Iived with my family.
    On the 19 th junuary of 2001
    M del Pilar Ana and me
    My uncle mario doesn´tlived with me.but he is my fauvorite relativer

  12. the 19 th junuary 2001
    i lived with my family
    we live
    M del Pilar Ana and me
    Mario doesn´t lived with me but he is my favorite relative

  13. Hola soy Javier de 1º A.
    Mis oraciones incorrectas son:
    Mi cumpleaños es el cuatro de Julio y tengo doce años.
    Ella es muy simpática y le gusta dibujar.
